Monday, October 21, 2013


Epistemology I. Epistemology Defined Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that studies know conductge. It attempts to answer the basic drumhead: what distinguishes true(p) (adequate) friendship from false (inadequate) knowledge? Practically, this questions translates into issues of scientific methodology: how make love one develop theories or models that are better than competing theories? It too forms one of the pillars of the new sciences of cognition, which developed from the information processing shroud to psychology, and from artificial intelligence, as an attempt to develop computer programs that mummer a humans capacity to use knowledge in an vigorous way. II. Philosophers View on Epistemology A. Plato In Platos dupe, knowledge is merely an hotshot of absolute, universal Ideas or Forms, existing independent of any strangulate trying to apprehend to them. B. Aristotle - He puts more emphasis on logical and empirical methods for gathering knowledge. However, he still accepts the believe that such knowledge is an apprehension of necessary and universal principles. III. epistemic Positions A. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Empiricism - sees knowledge as the harvest-tide of sensory perception - led to a view of knowledge which is still explicitly or implicity held by many people nowadays: the reflection-correspondence theory. B. Rationalism - sees knowledge as the product of rational reflection. Kantian synthesis of ! rationalism and empiricism According to Kant, knowledge results from the organization of perceptual info on the basis of inherent cognitive structures, which he calls categories. Categories accept space, time, objects and causality. This epistemology does accept the subjectivity of basic concepts, like space and time, and the impossibility to reach purely object lens representations of...If you want to trance a full essay, order it on our website:

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