Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Changing Labor Markets and Demographics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Changing Labor Markets and Demographics - Essay Example Based on this, economic security is not only achievable by one being in employment but also the amount of work and the remuneration he or she gets from employment (Schiller, 2008). Two approaches are instrumental when measuring the length of time that one works. These include the number of weeks one spends at work in a year and the number of hours one spends in a week. Cumulatively, this leads to the computation of the sum of hours a worker spends in employment for a whole year. According to available statistics, the higher the number of weeks spent at work by households, the lower the rates of poverty. This statement directly affects workers who work part time. There are more full time workers than part time in the economy. This insinuates that the work experience of the poor is not properly highlighted by such a rate of incidence. According to the U.S Department of Labor, â€Å"persons who have devoted 27 weeks or more to working or looking for work and who lived in families with incomes below the official poverty threshold† are denoted as the working poor (U.S Department of Labor, 2012). In chapter 8 of the same book, Schiller traces back the poverty situation in America during the 1960s. During this period, many Americans believed that targeted assistance and economic growth could eliminate poverty. This was the War on Poverty initiated by Lyndon Johnson. The results of the war include an improved economy, 70 per cent rise in house incomes and an expanded employed labor hitting the 70 million mark. The U.S government dedicated a significant proportion of its expenditure than ran into billions of dollars into programs that aid the poor. However, poverty is yet to disappear in totality (Lofquist, Lugaila, Lofquist, & Feliz, 2012). This is because even the 1980s and 90s, economic expansions have only reduced the population of the poor in the U.S dismally. The fact that increased economic growth is unable to tame poverty levels is an issue that has elici ted numerous debates. One such debate focused on the existence of an underclass. These poor people have been alienated along social lines. These persons fail to match with the conventional values, prosperity and incentives (Jenkins, 2012). Schiller decided to explore the culture of poverty to understand the reason behind the existence of this group within the American population. This culture spans back to the colonial times when poverty was regarded as the symptom of sin or a vice. This was attributable to the availability of opportunities of economic security that could be acquired by self except the black man. In this context, the poor people were considered as morally bankrupt and received harsh treatment. For instance, the shoulders of the paupers in Pennsylvania were marked with letter P to serve as warning to unsuspecting members of the population. These kinds of culture portray how some behaviors and norms contributed to the difficulties when addressing poverty (Lofquist, Lu gaila, Lofquist, & Feliz, 2012). Mishel, Bivens, Gould and Shierholz in The State of Working America, examine how the policy driven inequality blocks affect the living standards for the low and middle income Americans. The authors share the view that the United States’ economy has done nothing to improve the living standards for majority of American households. This is because wealth inequality accruing from unfair rise in income and wages characterizes the economy. The rise in this trend is attributable to policy responses that

Monday, October 28, 2019

Issues of grandparents raising grandchildren Essay Example for Free

Issues of grandparents raising grandchildren Essay Abstract This paper explores research regarding the impacts on grandparents and grandchildren when the grandparent assumes the parental role because of some type of parental fall through. The articles find that the financial aspect of raising grandchildren in your later years is quite costly as well is the negative health problems the stress of the situation can cause. This paper mainly looks at Baldocks (2007) research on the affects of every aspect of the new situation on the grandparents and grandchildren. Baldock (2007) and the other research used for this paper all suggest that there are multiple struggles that the grandparents will endure when raising their grandchildren. Issues of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren The clichà © life of a grandparent is usually thought of as taking the grandchildren to the zoo, baking cookies, and making crafts. Grandparents are also around to share their wisdom and experiences with the younger generation, however in todays society the amount of grandparents having to take in their grandchildren due to an issue in the biological parents lives has been on the increase for years (Baldock, 2007, p. 70). This change of role for the grandparents can have various affects on not only the grandparents but the grandchildren as well. There are many reasons as to why grandparents come into the situation where they need to take their grandchildren into their care such as teenage pregnancy, parental abuse, and parental drug and alcohol abuse. No matter how the grandparents come into obtaining their grandchildren each family have their own types of struggles they will have to deal with. Both the grandparents and grandchildren can go through multiple financial, health, and behavioral issues that can either bring the family out on top or hurt them, but many are choosing to overcome the difficulties and persevere through them. Literature Review There are many troubles in todays society with drugs, alcohol, and violence, all which are just a few of the reasons that many parents become unable to properly care for their children. These and many other circumstances are which have led to â€Å"approximately 2.4 million grandparents [being] responsible for raising their grandchildren, many in households without the parents present.† (Poehlmann et al., 2008, 165) The decision to undertake the responsibility of raising your grandchildren is a big one to make, however many times there is no decision to make because the children would end up in the foster care system if it werent for the grandparents. In a study completed in Australia about grandparent run homes, â€Å"of the 31,000 children living with their grandparents, 28,700 childrens biological parents lived elsewhere.† (Baldock, 2007, p. 71) This can make the strain of raising your grandchild even more difficult because of the emotional and financial burdens it may cause. Health Quality of Custodial Grandparents There have been various studies in which they have found that grandparents who take care of their grandchildren have mental and physical aspects of themselves that are in a disarray (Neely-Barnes, Graft, Washington, 2010, p. 87). The role of being a custodial grandparent is difficult not only because it is a new situation which they need to adjust to, but it can also cause physical and mental problems. The situation cause a lot of new emotions and stressors that â€Å"numerous studies have documented elevated rates of depression, parenting stress, health problem, and economic hardship among custodial grandparents.† (Poehlmann et al., 2008, p. 168) Many grandparents are well in their sixtys and so â€Å"when the children arrive, grandparents are unlikely to be prepared for the dramatic and often sudden changes caused by unplanned parenthood.† (Baldock, 2007, p. 73) The grandparents generally see an increase in health related problems because they are put into a situation where they need to focus on the care of their grandchildren which leads to the grandparents health and well-being coming second and in which â€Å"custodial grandparents report worse self-assessed health than noncaregiving grandparents, particularly in the areas of physical functioning, bodily pain, role functioning, social functioning, and general health perception.† (Neely-Barnes et al., 2010, p. 88) Not only are the grandparents not being able to properly maintain their own health, but â€Å"among custodial grandparents, higher levels of depression have been found among unmarried grandparents who were not working.† (p. 88) This new parenting role that the grandparents are put into also effects their social life; â€Å"in one study, half of custodial grandparents reported that they felt isolated from friends in their age group due to their caregiving responsibilities.† (p. 88) Grandparents usually feel worn out by the amount of extra responsibilities they have come to take on which can make them feel worried when they think about having many more years of having to take care of their grandchildren. This type of constant worrying and stress can become quite a negative thing both for the grandparent and grandchild because â€Å"grandparents who are stressed are more likely to become depressed.† (Baldock, 2007, p. 73) Financials When grandparents are put into the situation of bringing their grandchildren into their care, one of the most difficult issues they have to deal with is the financial aspect of raising the children. The financial aspect of raising the grandchildren can be so hard to handle because many of the grandparents are older and even retired which means limited income. â€Å"In around one third of grandparent families (34%), one of both grandparents were employed, while 62% received a government pension, allowance or other benefit as their primary income.† (Baldock, 2007, p. 71) Children are expensive to raise because of the extra clothing, food, and home resources that are used. The grandparents are used to and comfortable with their current lifestyle and then when the unexpected young grandchildren are brought into the picture this can make the once sufficient income turn into financial instability. Grandparents going through legal proceedings can also be another reason finances are put into a bind when the need to take in your grandchildren is needed because â€Å"grandparents are commonly ineligible for legal aid and consequently face disadvantage in proceedings† (Baldock, 2007, p. 72). One way that is used to try to gain some type of extra income for the grandchildren is by â€Å"formalising their parenting role through legal proceedings [which] can be the only way grandparents are able to access financial support.† (p. 72) The cost of providing for their grandchildren and all of the court related procedures needed to be done becomes such a burden that â€Å"some grandparents have mortgaged their homes to undertake legal proceedings.† (p. 72) Impacts on the Family The result of custodial grandparents not only effects just the grandparents and grandchildren, but the whole family. The strain of raising grandchildren can be felt in the children of the grandparents â€Å"some felt resentful that their parents energy was going into raising their grandchildren and their own children missed out on a relationship with their grandparents.† (Baldock, 2007, p. 72) In many families the reason that the grandparents need to raise their grandchildren is due to some type of addiction from the birth parents. This drug use can cause emotional and social problems in the grandparents and grandchildren which can make the â€Å"grandparentsfeel blamed or express a sense of responsibility for their own childrens drug use.†(p. 73) Grandparents often feel as though there was something they could have done to prevent their childrens drug abuse which in turn would have prevented the need for them to raise their grandchildren. This feeling of â€Å"blame and shame exacerbate social isolation and increase psychological anxiety experienced by grandparents and their grandchildren.† (p. 73) The effects on the grandchildren of not having their parent or parents around is difficult to for them to cope with because â€Å"children separated from their parents because of alcohol and other drugs frequently face psychological, emotional and sometimes physical problems.† (Baldock, 2007, p. 71) According to Day and Bazemore (2011: children living without their biological parents typically present with high rates of psychological problems. Yet, by comparison, adolescents living with grandparent caregivers have the lowest levels of both internalizing problems (i.e. depressive symptoms, negative outlook, low self-esteem), and externalizing problems (i.e. nonviolent delinquency, general violent tendencies, and substance abuse.† (p. 103) Position I have first hand experience in the struggles and issues that can arise from a grandparent having to put their lives on hold and take in their grandchildren in order to provide them a loving and stable home. My parents are currently in the process of adopting my two nephews whom they, as well as myself, have taken care of since they were born. My sister is in a rehabilitation program in Northern New Jersey for addiction to pills, cocaine, and heroin and has been in and out of trouble since her early teens. Growing up the way I did because of the situations and conditions that my sister made my family endure has shown me just how difficult and numerous the issues are when raising your grandchildren. My mother is sixty years old and my father is sixty-two, both having some health problems. Health problems associated with age can have a significant affect on how the grandparents are going to be able to act in their new role as caregivers because many grandparents are older and their health is declining. Taking care of a six and a nine year old can be mentally and physically exhausting. My nephews have many psychological issues because their mother is gone and father is hardly around, these emotional troubles of my nephews also effect me and parents too. My nephews have ADHD and are quite sensitive which makes it even more difficult to calm them down if they are feeling upset or angry because they are missing their mother. I find the emotional impact it has on the children and family to be the greatest because of my experience in knowing how difficult is to cope with the entire situation. The financial responsibility for taking grandchildren in can be quite detrimental to the grandparents because many are retired or only working part-time in order to make a little extra money. My father is retired which has made the raising of two new children quite difficult before they received any assistance from the state. While most families receive financial assistance through state and federal aid, there may be certain circumstances in which a family has to come up with the money themselves. Grandparents know how expensive children are because of their past experience in raising their own children, however times have changed and the cost of raising children has significantly increased. This financial burden put onto the grandparents is not a choice they make, but rather something they just have to endure because there is no other option for the grandchildren. Afterthoughts It is obvious that grandparents who have to bring their grandchildren into their home and raise them because of varying circumstances will inevitably face numerous amount of hardships and issues. The grandparents being older makes the task of raising their grandchildren difficult, along with the cost involved in raising them and the legal proceedings that are done in order to protect the children. While the hardships of custodial grandparents is plenty, many â€Å"who have attended support groups say that it has made a positive difference in their lives† (Baldock, 2007, p.73), which can help them to cope with the new situations they are being placed in. Even though raising grandchildren comes with multiple and varying issues that make it difficult to do, â€Å"grandparents who are raising their grandchildren consistently report that the experience adds joy and meaning to their lives and provides them with companionship and a purposeful social and familial role.† (Kropf ; Burnette, 2003, p. 363)

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay --

Advantages and Limitations of the Conventional Brick Manufacturing Methods:- The brick making process starts with the preparation of the clay with which the bricks will be made. This clay is then molded into the specified dimensions. There are two types of molding-Slop Molding & Sand Molding. Once dried, these molded bricks are transferred to a fire kiln where the bricks are subjected to a very high temperature to harden them. Now-a-days new manufacturing methods are replacing the conventional ones and some are still in practice. It’s because the conventional methods have some advantages as well as some disadvantages in some or other step. Based upon their disadvantages and advantages either they are being replaced by new methods or are still in practice. The advantages and disadvantages of these steps could be as follows:- Preparation of the Clay:- The right type of clay is extracted from the ground. This clay contains hard lumps in it. To get smooth, soft and moist mixture which contains no hard lump, the clay is treated. The treatment is done in two steps:-Tempering and mixing. In Tempering, water is added in exact proportions based on the clay quality in the tempering process and left for around 1 to 5 days which softens and lumps. Conventionally clay pits are flooded with water for tempering purpose (excess water added). It could seem better way for the digging becomes easier but in terms of the strength of the final brick, with which we can’t play much, it’s a big disadvantageous approach. Instead we should dig the soil first and then mix adequate amount of water to it. This step is followed by Mixing to break big lumps and to homogenize the softened clay mixture. The mixing could be done mechanically, by the use of some ani... ... Types of Conventional Bricks The Building bricks are classified based upon their strength which is directly affected by the baking temperature. So the less baked brick is of poor quality and vice versa. These are termed as A/B grade bricks in Indian countryside. Now-a-days the A grade bricks cost is around INR 3500 per 1000 bricks and around INR 2500 for B grade bricks. There are other types of bricks also like Facing Bricks, Glazed Bricks etc. The price of these bricks is highly varying based upon the properties you want to have like texture, color, heat resistance etc. References:- 1. 2. 3. ‘Village Level Brick-Making’ by Anne Beamish & Will Donovan. 4.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ecotopia vs. the United States: The Effects of Sustainable Education Es

School is a fundamental location for the child’s mind to grow and prosper and the child is able to socialize and adhere to the environment that he or she learns about. In addition to education, simply being a component within the institution also formulates our beliefs. Schools are a prime institution to learn about green education in which it will prepare students to be sustainable in the future. In Ernest Callenbach’s Ecotopia, the protagonist, Will, travels to an ecological utopia where he learns how to live in a sustainable or an Ecotopian manner. Unlike the fictional story of Ecotopia, the United States’ way of living is vastly different. I am going compare and contrast the elementary educational systems and the role of teachers, students, and curriculum discussed in Ecotopia to the United States. Furthermore, I am going to argue that no educational system prepares the youth to be truly sustainable but there must be an ideal medium that addresses both Ecotop ian and United States values to become â€Å"greener† citizen. The idea of being a â€Å"green† citizen conveys the idea of living a natural life and making minimal yet better ecological choices. Teachers induce thinking and beliefs within their students, and elementary teachers within Ecotopia illustrate the importance of free agency in an ecological world. There are elementary teachers in Ecotopia who specialize in certain subjects in which they aspire their students to stimulate and indulge in their own goals and interests (Callenbach 128). Although Ecotopian teachers provide tutelage for instructing all subjects, they support the idea that their country has â€Å"crossed over into the age of biology† in which the majority of their focus is towards biology (Callenbach 126 - 129). Ec... ...abling students to have core knowledge that is necessary to be a â€Å"greener† citizen in the future. An ideal green citizen lives a normal life while making sustainable choices. However, Ecotopia and the United States’ educational systems do not contrive their students to achieve such ideals. In an Ecotopian school, students learn about the Earth but are not educated about other subjects. Vice versa, in American schools, students learn all subjects but none specific to sustainability. To ultimately prepare the youth for the future, there is a need of equilibrium of both systems in which students are educated in all subjects with knowledge of the eco-system. Having a well-rounded education with specificity of sustainability, students can adjudicate their own â€Å"green† ideals and act upon them in which they are able to establish new solution to unsustainable issues. â€Æ' Ecotopia vs. the United States: The Effects of Sustainable Education Es School is a fundamental location for the child’s mind to grow and prosper and the child is able to socialize and adhere to the environment that he or she learns about. In addition to education, simply being a component within the institution also formulates our beliefs. Schools are a prime institution to learn about green education in which it will prepare students to be sustainable in the future. In Ernest Callenbach’s Ecotopia, the protagonist, Will, travels to an ecological utopia where he learns how to live in a sustainable or an Ecotopian manner. Unlike the fictional story of Ecotopia, the United States’ way of living is vastly different. I am going compare and contrast the elementary educational systems and the role of teachers, students, and curriculum discussed in Ecotopia to the United States. Furthermore, I am going to argue that no educational system prepares the youth to be truly sustainable but there must be an ideal medium that addresses both Ecotop ian and United States values to become â€Å"greener† citizen. The idea of being a â€Å"green† citizen conveys the idea of living a natural life and making minimal yet better ecological choices. Teachers induce thinking and beliefs within their students, and elementary teachers within Ecotopia illustrate the importance of free agency in an ecological world. There are elementary teachers in Ecotopia who specialize in certain subjects in which they aspire their students to stimulate and indulge in their own goals and interests (Callenbach 128). Although Ecotopian teachers provide tutelage for instructing all subjects, they support the idea that their country has â€Å"crossed over into the age of biology† in which the majority of their focus is towards biology (Callenbach 126 - 129). Ec... ...abling students to have core knowledge that is necessary to be a â€Å"greener† citizen in the future. An ideal green citizen lives a normal life while making sustainable choices. However, Ecotopia and the United States’ educational systems do not contrive their students to achieve such ideals. In an Ecotopian school, students learn about the Earth but are not educated about other subjects. Vice versa, in American schools, students learn all subjects but none specific to sustainability. To ultimately prepare the youth for the future, there is a need of equilibrium of both systems in which students are educated in all subjects with knowledge of the eco-system. Having a well-rounded education with specificity of sustainability, students can adjudicate their own â€Å"green† ideals and act upon them in which they are able to establish new solution to unsustainable issues. â€Æ'

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Implementation of School Uniform

Argumentative Essay Implementation of School Uniform Students spend most of their time at school. They are very conscious about their over-all looks especially in the school. When it comes to appearance, clothes and style are one of the best and easiest ways to express themselves, and by all odds helps people to understand of who they really are. Even so, there has been an ongoing debate on whether school uniforms should be completely abolished in all schools or uniforms should become a compulsory to all educational institutions.Despite both pros and cons of this issue, I personally stick to the idea that school uniforms should be introduced in all public and private schools. Some important points to consider why they should require students to wear school uniform in all schools are the following: security in wearing uniform and promotes equality among students. Safety is among the most important duties of a school. To wear a certain school uniform may help reduce distractions and im prove school safety.For example, there will be less bullying and degrading to every student. Sometimes, children who cannot afford the latest fashion are ridiculed by their peers. Uniforms can also prevent students from wearing inappropriate clothing inside the campus that is sexually, illegally, etc. Another thing is when the students are required to wear matching uniforms; they are easily distinguishable from other groups. For an instance, it is easier to notice students while out on field trips and other outings because they are wearing uniform.Most importantly, it is harder for terrorists or trespassers to enter the school vicinity and do harm to anyone. Moving on to my second point, wearing uniform promotes equality between students. Wearing school uniform removes social barriers and put everyone equally on the ground. Itprovides a sense of belongingness to each and everyone inside the campus, it also provides students the opportunity to be accepted and included. And lastly, we aring school uniforms destress clothing as a means of conformity. It encourages equal environment in school by imiting socioeconomic difference among students. It may reduce bullying, teasing and cliques to students who can’t afford. As a whole, having a certain uniform in the school is a great solution. Wearing the same clothes provides security for students so as the faculty, the school in whole and advocates the sense of equality to everyone. That helps the individual to feel like they belong rather than they don’t fit at all. In my own point of view, school uniform should be implemented in all schools, both public and private for it is a good idea.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Discuss the different components of Management Information System (MIS) The WritePass Journal

Discuss the different components of Management Information System (MIS) Introduction Discuss the different components of Management Information System (MIS) Introduction  1.   Article One1.1 Introduction 1.2 Critical Analysis2.   Article Two2.1   Introduction2.2 Critical analysis3. Article Three3.1 Introduction3.2 Critical analysisComparisonConclusion Related Introduction Any telecommunications and/or computer related equipment or interconnected system so sub system of equipments that is used in the acquisition , storage , manipulation , management movement , control , display , watching , switching , interchange ,   transmission or reception of voice include software form ware and hardware. (Terry Lucey 2005) MIS is one the most important system that provides information that is required to set organisation impression as par MIS consider three important sources that are technology, resource. MIS is regarded as one of the subset over all internal controls procedure in business which evaluate   application of human resource, documents, technologies procedure and supply of material and handling etc used by management account. MIS method is the best of stock method to tied the automation or support of human decision making for example decision support system experts.   1.   Article One User Perception Differences In ERP Implementations 1.1 Introduction   Business process those are managed by the ERP system will   not consider as static because in begging they   define a monitoring activity is needed during the process of information operation and improvements should be made when possible[]there implementations involves the process of customizing the most important generic package and aligning with the specific need with the enterprise.(Edie and Madison 2005) The Enterprise Resource Planning System has been develop to help most coordinate the information flow that parallel and physical flows of goods from raw material to finish goods the main purpose of ERP is studying to examine user perception differences in ERP phases and preparation and training and usefulness the main study use both qualitative and quantitative research to triangulate results this both qualitative analysis points one of the most important of all the four phases in EPR implementation the main important keyword are ERP   IT adoption , IT implementation and user perception 1.2 Critical Analysis The positive aspects of this articles generates the most important topic that is nothing but ERP implementation due to the need and adapt the enterprise to the software package rather than the other way around basically its often necessary to redesign enterprise business process the business process alignments that is adapt various envoi mental aspects such as existing information system ( Soffer et al 2003) . The ERP approach to optimize   company internal value change because basically its the software that’s fully installed across the entire company it connects the entire whole company components of the business process through logical transmission and sharing common data with frame integrated frame work .Its the software that is only essential organise codes, and standardise and enterprises business process and data these software converts transactional data so that it can analysis .The important literatures reviews hypothesis is that ERP implementation resource planning IT adoption implementation etc. However the Bad debts of ERP as the implementation of ERP system that’s leads to a series that is most critical issues at it requires global reconsideration of bossiness procedure [] the ERP system is a difficult task as its entitles a great deal of time and it result in large cost ( Quiescenti et al 2006) means the adaption of ERP in any organisation is cost worthy and it also built enterprises process re engineering process system, further more this activity could be very crucial and somehow negative for small enterprises business relies on its specific proper business process. 2.   Article Two The TQM EXTENTION: TOTAL CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANGMENT 2.1   Introduction Customer relationship management define as a cross functional process for achieving a continuous dialogue with customers as well as a cross all their contract and access point and it personalised treatment for their most valuable customers to increase customer retention as well as their effectiveness’ of   CRM always takes good view towards customer care and let them organized there self that is nothing but customer service to create and add value to the company the most important part of customer relationship management is related to their process .as said byDay and van baulte (2002) Fletcher and taplin (2001) define CRM is nothing but a set of business   process over all policies designed to capture retain the customer needs and services etc†¦the basic important aspect is customer related process inputs and out puts from customers   according to   (BLODGETT et al.. 1993)projected that the customer relativeness can be underpin by successful customer relations inc luding contact with staff ,out bonds ,customer transaction ,price ,value term. Participation from customers begins with interaction at contact get in touch to collect customers detail by their needs and wants of customer. 2.2 Critical analysis Customer relationship management over all wants customer satisfaction and has positive effect on customer loyalty intentions across wide range in all services and products (Fornell,1992) CRM always focused   on business and probably it effect on customers contentment for least following basis. Trust is the main important feature or we can say facet in the building and growth in quality relationship contentment giving and taking assurance in relation to customer loyalty, here about the importance of trust in that to gain customer honestness. ( Reichheld and schefter 2000 ) . Management responsibility element of CRM and their strategies their main premeditated change from a product focus on culture basically on customer how ever CRM business tactics information as well as their service and the every person of the company is responsible of following crm strategies. 3. Article Three Supply Chain Management 3.1 Introduction In 2008 when economy of the world is collapsed the SCM helps the organization in re building their infrastructure within the organization and it also help to cover the supply and demand in up and down stream within the organisation and its also responsible for get in time of goods which automatically increase the company efficiency and growth and CRM   these services reduce costs and supply chain as well CRM process with information with latest most powerful software experts says that ongoing boom transaction and trade is related to services .in ancient period companies kept their suppliers at aim length and even had adversarial relationship with them. 3.2 Critical analysis Supply Chain Management it’s the service that available on demand over the internet   like other cloud based business software such as (CRM) e business and accounting, tools etc   now days companies could not afford to build to there own maintain by themselveswe don’t compete as individual business anymore we compete as supply chains say martin Christopher .in the olden days companies kept their suppliers at arm length and even had adversarial relationship with them supply chain enhance the complications in the movement of goods and also make higher the lead time and increase the stocks in inventory, We don’t compete as individual business any more we compete at Supply Chain   Martin Christopher professor of marketing and logistics of Cransdield School of Management England as here it proves that supply chain services available on demand over the internet that the cloud base business software such as CRM business and accounting tools from sales force. Comparison   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   ERP   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   CRM   Ã‚  Ã‚   Supply Chain   In article one author try to discuss about the Enterprise Recourse Planning its uses and implementation in any organization if we compare ERP with the CRM and SCM it deals with handling of information with in the organization and it optimise the company internal value chain and its also help in gathering information useful for the future of enterprise. But is also support CRM and SCM. In the article of CRM the author wants to explain the relation between the organization and the customer and explain the effectiveness of CRM because increase the profitability of the company and it plays a great role in any organization for increasing the revenue and building better customer relationship. In this article author says how the good and bad supply chain could effect working of any organization and its importance plays the major role in aspect of time and profitably and supply chain is depend on the ERP an Conclusion After analysis of three articles we find that these three components of Information Technology Management   are very useful in building a good and profitable organization   ERP has a different role while CRM helps in retention of customer retention   and   increase sale service and satisfaction of the   customer and always acquiring and retaining the customer , ERP   is responsible for assessment and structure of organization and help to analysis the weakness of a company and the third articles we analyse the global economy and   multinational companies because good managing of supply chain management a growing number of manufactures and retailers are found and also help in reducing cost but making it faster and easier to share information.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Make a professional impression as an introvert

Make a professional impression as an introvert These days, simply showing up to work and doing a good job is unfortunately not enough to succeed in the work world. If you want to build a successful career, it’s important to create a personal brand that defines you professionally. Then, you have to sell yourself. It’s a lot, right? And the trouble is, if you think of yourself as an introvert, you really hate putting yourself out there like that. You’d rather hide your light under your bushel and stay under your comfy little rock and have it all happen for you. Never fear: it’s possible to set yourself up with a great brand without making yourself feel super awkward- even if you’re super introverted. Read on to find out how.Let social media work for you.It doesn’t take any human interaction to set yourself up with killer profiles on all the social media sites. Keep them fresh and up-to-date. Make them representative of your personal style. You can do all this from the comfort of your own co uch, in your pajamas. Then, you can try a few fancy tricks like signing up for Twitter chats or LinkedIn groups to join the most current conversations in your industry and get your name out there.Have a script.If you’re prone to clam up in social situations, have an elevator pitch ready to go that you feel confident and comfortable delivering wherever you need to. But beyond that, you can script more of your social interactions if it helps. Draft a standard greeting or opener that you can turn to whenever you feel awkward in an overwhelming room and practice it until it comes naturally. Maybe it’s just an interesting question you ask every new person you meet, or a succinct summary of your job title and main responsibilities for networking events. Memorizing an intro might feel forced, but at least you’ll have some conversation starters ready so you never feel at a loss for words.Choose your marks.Be strategic- make a game plan ahead of time for networking and o ther work events. How many people do you want to meet? How many contacts do you need to rack up? Then, be more specific about who exactly you want to meet and why. Setting targets for yourself ahead of time can turn the whole thing into a project with an end point. Once you hit your quota and meet your big fish? You can go home!Follow up and stay in touch.Touching base after you’ve met someone is the classy thing for everyone to do, and it’s easy because you don’t need to do it in person. If you felt you made a weird impression on someone, shoot them an email or a note to keep the door open. Many introverts feel at their most charming when behind the screen. Take the time to type out exactly what you wish you had said.Do it your way.If something feels totally uncomfortable, you can only force yourself out of your comfort zone a little bit. If you try to take giant leaps, or to completely go against your instincts, you’ll be miserable and everyone will be able to tell. Realistically, what are your social limits? Define them for yourself. Then, work within them at first. Once you gain a level of comfort at this first level, slowly branch out. Then do it again. Networking and self-promotion are skills you must nurture and grow- if it takes you longer than your extrovert peers, so be it. You’ll get there.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

To Kill A Mockingbird Essays (970 words) - Free Essays, Term Papers

To Kill A Mockingbird Essays (970 words) - Free Essays, Term Papers To Kill A Mockingbird English Essay Final In the literary pieces To Kill a Mocking bird , An Enemy of the People, and Julius Caesar the authors use crowds to develop their themes. The townspeople, majority, and the mobs represented how people go in favor of the more popular side. Most people will go on this side because the benefits will go to the people. They can also fear that having a different opinion will make a bad impression of themselves. In To Kill a Mockingbird, the townspeople's narrow-mindedness didn't allow them to think like " free-thinkers". They never went outside the boundaries of Maycomb County, which limited their knowledge to that which they already knew. The townspeople were all brought up under the same beliefs. Since the town is in the middle of nowhere, they receive no new ideas or information. All this is accountable for the narrow-mindedness of the town.. Harper Lee uses the townspeople to show how narrow-mindedness leads to uniform thinking. This way of thinking leads to the majority always going on the same side. Anyone with a different opinion cannot speak up because nobody else will support him. All of the other people believe him wrong because they grew up thinking that their ways are correct. Thus, the majority in To Kill a Mockingbird always beat the minority because the majority's facts are based on ideas that everyone has. In An Enemy of the People, Ibsen shows that Society listens selectively. The people only want to hear what will benefit them, not considering how everybody else affected by it. The people refused to hear the truth. They didn't care about doing things for the good of the people. At first, everybody went with Dr. Stockmann. There was hardly anybody who went against him. The n, the people found that they will have to pay for all the work done. That meant heavy taxation on the middle class, who simply couldn't afford to pay for it. The people then only cared about their own money, not about the health of the visitors who would come. Inevitably, everybody switched sides. Ibsen uses the majority vs. the minority to show how in society people only want to hear what concerns them in any way. In An Enemy of the People, the people "did not dare" help him out by taking his side. The majority believed him to be an enemy because they thought that he wanted them to be taxed! . Hence , An Enemy of the People shows that people do not dare fight against the majority fearing that they will be criticized. In Julius Caesar, people do (or join) things only for personal benefit. Many people are inconsiderate and grieve over their own losses; especially the loss of a great leader. Caesar. The crowd first went on the side of Brutus. He told them that they would be betraying their country if they didn't join him. Since they dare not do such a thing, they joined him. After Antony, showed them the great loss, and read Caesar's will everybody switched sides. Shakespeare uses mobs to show people's want of self benefit. Antony lead the people in by showing them how they lost something great, and how much they would gain (from the will). They would not go for Brutus because they don't care about the good of Rome as much as they did the good of the people. The crowd in all three novels went with the majority. At times, some feared that joining the minority would make them bad people. In To Kill a Mockingbird, nobody wanted to introduce new ideas because everybody else will believe the other ideas are correct. This was caused by a lack of information. In An Enemy of the People, the public went against Dr. Stockmann for fear that they will be blamed for thinking wrongly. The People refused to hear the truth and even to pay attention to the consequences of not fixing the Baths. Some people would join him, only they didn't dare want to be seen with "an enemy of the people". In Julius Caesar , they people were swayed. When Brutus said to the people you must be a true Roman, he said

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Describe your key leadership experiences and evaluate what leadership Personal Statement

Describe your key leadership experiences and evaluate what leadership areas you hope to develop through your MBA experience - Personal Statement Example However, I realized that due to my relative inexperience, I would be facing two immediate problems. First, I had no experience of how to allot shares and at what prices. I approached managers of the firm to know their intentions and discussed with them the different parameters to be followed in the proposed buyout. I than approached a Merger & Acquisition expert to work as our consultant. Through formation of dynamic and multi-dimensional team, I succeeded in defining criteria for allotting shares as well as their prices. Secondly, due to my unknown business characters, I was unaware of how to acquire bank loans to finance the acquisition of shares by the managers. I had to coordinate with the local municipal government to facilitate us through banks and pursue them to provide necessary finance for buyout. I pursued them because my mother grew in reputation because of her contribution to the local society and government. Finally, we were able to sign off the deals with the banks to get bank financing for our managers to get the shares in acquisition. The second occasion when I was able to demonstrate leadership was during 2007 when I was working at IBM's China Development Lab. I served as the project manager for the renovation of the Next Generation TPMS (Translation Planning and Management System), a tool for managing the IBM globalization and localization processes. The previous generation system, developed by a team in Egypt, had failed to deliver what users really needed, which translated into super-low customer satisfaction ratio at 26 percent. My background investigation suggested four important variables which were the main cause of the failure of the system to deliver the results. This included the fact that system was slow, did not cater user requirements, too complicated as well as difficult to use. Building on that information, I thought that an upgraded system should be built around with more of the customer focus rather than technology driven as it should attempt to reflect what actually end users require. During our investigation, some of the users required us to develop a web based application whereas some of the users demanded that the system may be developed as a desktop application therefore we also decided to build a system which serve both the purposes. We begun our work around this idea and succeed in developing a systems which was hybrid of a web application as well as desktop application and which catered most of the needs of our end users. Subsequent testing by most of the users across different countries appreciated our efforts and due to my strong presentation and persuasion they agreed to test the application and provide their feedback on the new system after thoroughly using it. Both of these situations were unique for me however I believe an MBA would have provided me a better understanding of both the situations and I would have been able to address both of these issues with much more details as well as professional maturity. An MBA would also provide me more theoretical as well as practical education regarding the nature of leadership and how it can be effectively used to get things done through others. I also believe that an MBA will make my

Friday, October 18, 2019

Mortgages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mortgages - Essay Example These compound problems have worked to create a situation in which many homeowners have found themselves holding on to high interest rate mortgages for homes that are worth less than they owe to pay off their mortgage. Such a situation is known as an â€Å"underwater† mortgage. Due to the fact that different political parties have sought to take advantage of this misfortune by seeking to capitalize on the rhetoric surrounding the issues as a way to drum up support for a given candidate, the problem has been exacerbated as the federal government has furtively toyed with different types of interventions only to do little if anything to ameliorate the root problem. Thus, this brief essay will consider whether homeowners with subprime mortgages should be allowed to force their lenders to renegotiate their terms. The answer to the question is somewhat more complex than a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. From a purely economic point of view, the individuals who agreed on the home loans at the bank’s terms and conditions have entered into a legally binding contract that they had every opportunity to review and seek to understand prior to signing on the dotted line. In this way, a degree of culpability must be accepted by those mortgage holders that initially accepted the terms and conditions, regardless of whether they were too lazy to take the time to read and fully understand them (Richardson 87). From the bank’s point of view, much of the problems associated with the high number of subprime mortgages that had to be completed were a result of the unnatural legislation (Dodd-Frank) that was forced upon the banks as a means to fulfill a certain type of quota with reference to those within society that would otherwise never be able to afford or quality to purchase/borrow a house of their own (LaCour-Little et al. 88). In this way, it is impossible to blame the entire situation on the financial institutions themselves as the governmen t had a heavy role in creating such a crisis in the first place. From the individual borrower’s point of view, the banks instituted extraordinarily high interest rates due to the fact that they considered these subprime borrowers to be of an extreme default risk (Hill 49). In a way, these extremely high rates were nearly self-fulfilling prophecies due to the fact that as soon as the economy began to cool, the first individuals that were going to feel the crunch were necessarily those that had borrowed to the max and were going to have hardship making sure that their high interest rate mortgage is paid every month. One might rightly question why it should be incumbent upon the financial institution to renegotiate a signed and legally binding contract that has already been agreed upon with a terms of either 15-30 years. The answer to such a question can actually be found outside of forcing the financial institution to renegotiate the loan terms (An et al. 546). As such, a litan y of refinancing offers exists for qualified individuals. Those rates that were common during the early 2000’s have dropped to record lows within the past several years. The issue with such refinancing offers is that they invariably require a large amount of start up costs associated with actually changing the loan from one lender to another.

Instructional method and comprehension Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Instructional method and comprehension - Essay Example Thus, the terminology of ‘classroom management’ introduced in education with the objective is to create a positive relationship not only between teachers, but also among the peers themselves, and also to help those students who need psychological help (Stough & Emmer, 2001) The two domains of Instruction and learning play the most important role in the learning process of an individual. Instructional and learning style approach is discussed below. 1 Instructional method Methods are the means for instruction for the students. Mostly, instruction method depends upon the content, the students and the level of intellect of the students. Content is categorized into three main domains of knowledge, i.e., skills, attitudes, and values. According to the content and a set goal, students are made to engage themselves actively in the learning process. While, teaching skill, it is necessary to alter the content giving the learners more practical exposure and pointing out the important practical aspects. When teaching attitude, those methods are used which are required to apply in particular situations. There is several level of learning the knowledge of the content from simple recitation without complete understanding to learning so well that the learner has full understanding of listing, discussion, analysing, practical application, and extrapolation of the knowledge in a naà ¯ve situation (Bloom et al., 1956).

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Compare the representation on I tituba, black witch of salem (Maryse Research Paper

Compare the representation on I tituba, black witch of salem (Maryse conde's) and the salem witch trials in the Crucible, film based on Arthur miller's play - Research Paper Example Thus we can say that both the story telling traditions had elements of magic and mysticism incorporated into it. Suddenly in the year 1692 the family members of Samuel Parris suffered from strange fits and the cause of such fits were attributed to witch craft. Then in the process Tituba and two other women were condemned as witches and the cause of the suffering of the Parris family. During the trial the two other women said that they did not know anything about the witches. But Tituba gave detail descriptions of witches and told that she had tried to kill the children. As a result Tituba and the other women were sent to jails. By the end of May in the year 1692 the prisons were filled with women who were arrested because it was believed that they practiced witch craft. Those who were arrested were not tried for long years and when they were tried they were easily accused without any evidences. Only claiming a lady to be witch was enough to accuse her as a witch and hence started the trend of witch craft in the village of Salem. (Wilson, 17-37). â€Å"The Crucible† is a movie based on the play of Arthur Miller the significant characters are John Proctor, Abigail Williams and Reverend Hale. It was Abigail Williams who had set the tempo of the film. Abigail was an orphan unmarried girl and in the society of Salem her position was not more than those of the status of Tituba and the other servants. Therefore there was a growing frustration in her mind and she wanted to uplift her position and wanted to gain importance in the eyes of the society. She could easily achieve her desire with the hysteria she created with the witch craft. She was able to instigate all the other members of her group to use the theme of witch craft and with the help of her group members she was able to send nineteen members to the jail. After this the situation was such that just the words of the girls were enough to send anybody from Salem to the jail under the allegation of

The Life of Christ Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The Life of Christ - Research Paper Example In the verse of evangelist we are not told that the angelic songs were heard by any other group except the shepherd that was grazing that night. The saviors’ ancestress, Ruth was in the same field where the same shepherds were guarding their flock from wild animals, she was sick at heart among the foreign corn (Farrar 1). David, the youngest son of a large family had followed the sheep and suddenly hears of the great news about the Christ Jesus being born amongst the irrelevance of a world lifeless of its liberation there was angel’s assembly of heavenly host praising God and saying Glory to God and there be peace on earth among men of good will. It might have been expected that Christian goodness could protect the rude grotto of shepherds in the minds of the church but instead the chapel of the herald angel is a â€Å"mere rude tomb† (Farrar 2). The poverty of chapel matches well with the humble toil of those whose happy vision is intended to remember. In the te mple, only four of our lords beginning are narrated by gospel, the circumcision, and the presentation in the temple, the visit of magicians and the flight into the Egypt. Fist two occurs in St. Mathew and no single particular can be pointed out in which the two narratives are necessary contradictory. Its only since in the dawn of Christian children are surrounded with romance. The exact order of the eighth day after the birth of (Luke i.59; 21) the purification was thirty-three days after the circumcision (Lev xii 4) The narrative of the visit of magician recorded in the second chapter of St. Mathew is of the deepest interest in the history of Christianity. The facts of the gospel are brought together with Jewish believes. This furnishes us with the new confirmation of our faith. After the wise had offered their gifts they would naturally have returned to Herod but being warned they returned to their own land another way. We don’t find further traces of their existence but th eir visit led to very memorable events (Farrar 5). Physical geographical of Palestine is perhaps more distinctly marked than that of any other country in the world the country character from north to south may be represented by four parallel bands, the Sea-board, the Hill country, the Jordan valley, and the Trans-Jordanian range. The country hill, which thus occupies the space between the low maritime plain and the deep Jordan valley, falls into two great masses, the continuity of the low mountain-range being broken by the plain of Jezreel (Farrar 6). Even as there is one hemisphere of the lunar surface on which, in its entirety, no human eye has ever gazed, while at the same time the moon's freedoms enable us the estimation of its general character and appearance. This is therefore is one large portion of our the Lord's life of which there is no full record; yet such suggestions are, as it were, given to us of its outer edge, and from this, we are able to understand the nature of t he whole. Again, when the moon is in arched, a few bright points are visible through the telescope upon its illuminated part; those bright points are mountain peaks, so lofty that they catch the sunlight. One such point of glory and majesty is revealed to us in the otherwise unknown region of Christ's youthful years, and it is sufficient to provide us with a real vision into that entire portion of His life. In modern language we should call it a story of the Savior's confirmation (Farrar

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Compare the representation on I tituba, black witch of salem (Maryse Research Paper

Compare the representation on I tituba, black witch of salem (Maryse conde's) and the salem witch trials in the Crucible, film based on Arthur miller's play - Research Paper Example Thus we can say that both the story telling traditions had elements of magic and mysticism incorporated into it. Suddenly in the year 1692 the family members of Samuel Parris suffered from strange fits and the cause of such fits were attributed to witch craft. Then in the process Tituba and two other women were condemned as witches and the cause of the suffering of the Parris family. During the trial the two other women said that they did not know anything about the witches. But Tituba gave detail descriptions of witches and told that she had tried to kill the children. As a result Tituba and the other women were sent to jails. By the end of May in the year 1692 the prisons were filled with women who were arrested because it was believed that they practiced witch craft. Those who were arrested were not tried for long years and when they were tried they were easily accused without any evidences. Only claiming a lady to be witch was enough to accuse her as a witch and hence started the trend of witch craft in the village of Salem. (Wilson, 17-37). â€Å"The Crucible† is a movie based on the play of Arthur Miller the significant characters are John Proctor, Abigail Williams and Reverend Hale. It was Abigail Williams who had set the tempo of the film. Abigail was an orphan unmarried girl and in the society of Salem her position was not more than those of the status of Tituba and the other servants. Therefore there was a growing frustration in her mind and she wanted to uplift her position and wanted to gain importance in the eyes of the society. She could easily achieve her desire with the hysteria she created with the witch craft. She was able to instigate all the other members of her group to use the theme of witch craft and with the help of her group members she was able to send nineteen members to the jail. After this the situation was such that just the words of the girls were enough to send anybody from Salem to the jail under the allegation of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

AP English Language and Composition-Timed Writting Essay

AP English Language and Composition-Timed Writting - Essay Example licy whose implementation was intended to save power usage and practiced by countries such as United States, Britain, France, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand and other countries (Source C). Its expanded use however believed to have other benefits in other areas such as traffic safety and crime reduction (Source A) According to a study made by U.S. Department of Transportation in the 1970s, DST reduces America’s electricity usage â€Å"by about one percent† daily when the DST is in effect for an eight month period (Source C). This result is replicated in other countries that also practice DST. It was also observed by the same study that crime rate was reduced by as much as 10 to 13 percent when DST was in effect attributing to the fact that the extended daylight decreases the opportunity for crimes against those people who are returning from work (Source C). Study also showed that traffic accidents were reduced when DST is in effect (Source C). Daily Savings Time policy intent of saving electricity consumption however is not without its share of detractors. There are also several sectors that opposed its implementation among them was the airline industry who believed that the extension of DST from a uniform six months to eight months would cause problems in airline’s schedules that would incur them millions of dollars in losses. The perceived benefit of saving electricty consumption through the implementation of DST was also challenged by another study that reported that contrary to the policy’s intent, DST in fact increases the use of electricy consumption for about one percent and there are even instances during fall that the increase rose between 2 and 4 percent (Source –Kotchen). The expanded benefit of DST of crime reduction and traffic safety was also attempted to be offset by the study that reported that DST can cause sleep disruptions and possibly other serious consequences (Source E). These findings however are not that conclusive

Customer Service Careers Essay Example for Free

Customer Service Careers Essay What does Customer Service mean to you? Is it simply taking care of your daily customers’ needs? What about the concept that your employees are also your customers? Does that change your outlook on the idea of customer service? This essay will explain the internal customer concepts of human relations. Human relations, in definition, are â€Å"the skill or ability to work effectively through and with other people†. (Lamberton, p.4) As a manager, you need to understand the needs and wants of your employees. You should have an effective training program that is set up with clear guidelines and expectations. Providing feedback during the training and throughout employment is crucial. This allows for open communication between management and employees. Future goals can be discussed and additional training available to aid them on those journeys. Areas of improvement can also be discussed without singling out the negative. Read more:  Customer Service in Leisure and Recreation In human relations it is very important to know the values instilled by the company. It is also important to help the employees â€Å"understand and accept the values of others without compromising their personal integrity†. (Lamberton, p.114) Communication and compromise are vital in any organization. It is not necessary to disregard your values for someone else’s, merely understanding where they are coming from and finding common ground to build on. You’re job in human relations is help bridge those gaps and assist in dealing with those conflicts. â€Å"Something powerful happens when people see themselves as part of healthy, functional community and have a positive experience of that.† (Everett, p.78) Positive attitudes, job satisfaction, high morale, and positive reinforcements are just a few examples of ways to succeed. Involving employees in decisions and setting realistic goals will help to improve  motivation as well. Employees need to feel that they matter as individuals, not just a part of the company. Managers are crucial in developing mutual respect, self-esteem, and solving conflicts. The better your communication skills are the more likely you are to be successful. Also, being able to maintain a positive attitude increases the morale of your internal customers, or employees. References Everett, Melissa (2007) Making a Living While Making a Difference: Conscious Careers for an Era of Interdependence Lamberton, Lowell, Minor, Leslie (2010) Human Relations: Strategies for success

Monday, October 14, 2019

Business analysis of British Airways

Business analysis of British Airways British Airways is the airline company of the United Kingdom. It has its headquarter in Waterside which is nearby its main hub at London Heathrow Airport and as set up it is the biggest airline of UK on the basis of number of international flights and international destinations it has. It has its second hub which is London Gatwick Airport. As per the research it was found that The British Airways Group was shaped on 1 September 1974. British Airways was formed by the fusion of two large London-based airlines, British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) and British European Airways Corporation (BEA), and two smaller airlines, Cambrian Airways Cardiff and Northeast Airlines Newcastle upon Tyne. BA according to the study was found as the only two airlines to operate the supersonic Aerospatiale-BAC Concorde inaugurating the worlds first supersonic passenger service in January 1976. BA became the worlds most commercial airline following its strategies under the slogan The Worlds Favorite Airline. The main activities of British Airways Plc and its subsidiary undertakings are the method of international and domestic planned air services for the deportment of passengers, freight and mail and the facility of ancillary amenities. ( 2011) Franchisees  · Comair: based in South Africa, franchisee since 1996.  · Sun Air: based in Denmark, franchisee since 1 August 1996. ( 2011) Virgin Atlantic Airways- Competitor Company Profile Virgin Atlantic Airways Limited is a British airline owned by Sir Richard Bransons Virgin Group (51%) and Singapore Airlines (49%). It is has its headquartered in Crawley, West Sussex, England, near London Gatwick Airport. It runs between the United Kingdom and North America, the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia from main bases at Gatwick and London Heathrow Airport, using a mixed fleet of Airbus and Boeing wide-body aircraft (innovationaleaders, 2011). Lufthanza Germanys air ambassador, Deutsche Lufthansa competitors the worlds largest airline companies. It functions more than 530 aircraft from centres in Frankfurt, Zurich and Munich. It soars passengers to about 250 destinations global, not including those attended by code-sharing partner. Lufthansas partners comprise of associated followers of the Star Alliance, like United Continentals United Airlines and Mainland. The companys Lufthansa Cargo component is a main global airfreight transporter; Lufthansa also has benefits in aircraft preservation, cuisine, and information technology productions. ( Biz, 2011) Factors Affecting Airline Industry: Emerging concerns As the carriers have strained to keep up with fast growing  oil  prices .The airlines have also raised some of their fees, executed summer peak-time surcharges and added hefty fuel surcharges on international flights. While as a result of the improbability in the oil markets, airline stocks protracted their losses the increasing ticket prices have matched the steady increase in fuel costs in contemporary time period. The rise in the fuel price has affected the smooth functioning of British Airways and its major competitors like virgin airlines and Lufthansa in several ways. Impact of Rise in Fuel Prices and Strike From the research it was founded that British Airways has a loss before tax of  £410m for the year to 31 march, after finding out its results which were hit by higher fuel costs .In the previous year, British Airways has made a revised profit of  £922m.Due to the rise in prices of fuel British Airways offered its staff members with the option of taking unpaid leave or ask them to work with part time. Even the finance director of British Airways had also forgo his pay for a month. As the impact was very much on British Airways it had to cut more than 2500 jobs since last summer. British Airways has been trailing  £7 every second since last year, which is pretty unattractive and affecting the company a lot. The Shares in the airline were down from 4.5% to 155 pence. However, British Airways believed that it had seen a significantly better effective performance, and that it had recognised customer fulfilment ratings. The total number of passengers conceded demolish from 4.3% to 33.1m.( BA, 2011) The impact of recession has been drastic on British Airways, it got revenue decreased by 11.1% to  £7994 million. As reported there was a loss in operating, which was of 3231 million including  £ 85 million for the business reconstruction. There was a decline in the revenue of passengers by  £856 million, which means a decline of 10.9% as compared to last year. British Airways added that it had to take substantial pricing actions to encourage non-premium sales, which were mostly unchanged on the previous year. British Airways stated that the point of outlook for the airline business was hard-hitting and it would not be recompensing a dividend this year as there has been a lot loss has faced by the industry. So British Airways strategic to decrease the capacity by 4% around winter by not flying up to 16 aircraft. British Airways was not the only airline distress in the global recession, as greater fuel prices and a fall in request for air travel have posh the whole airline industry .BAs upsurge means that economy passengers on long-haul flights of less than nine hours will see their surcharge going up from  £75 to  £85.The surcharge on economy flights of more than nine hours will rise from  £88 to  £98. The number of passengers carried by British Airways in May were demolish by 14.2% from a year ago, as the impact of strike caused by the cabin crew members which effect the airline drastic way.( BBC, 2011) External Analysis of British Airways Political and Legal Factors Air Passenger Tax Recent rise in air passenger tax by the government in November 2010 has led to hike in prices of air travel. This substantial rise in prices may discourage passengers opting for air travel, directly affecting the airline industry. ( Fulton.J, 2010) Fuel Policies As the sole most important cost, policies affecting both fuel supply and price greatly affect airline sustainability. These include supply decisions by oil suppliers, refinery expansion by oil companies and government, which leads in rise of fuel prices affecting the airline sector. .( Fulton.J, 2010) Global Aspects Some governments provide subsidies that provide an unfair advantage and prices lower than market conditions which affects the functioning of airline industries directly and Global  environmental  policies regarding emissions and international route deregulation may affect airline operations in present as well as in future.( Fulton.J, 2010) Economical Factors Airline Revenue Sources Airlines  make  money  by transporting people and goods from one place to another. All of the revenue generated by airlines is caused for transportation purposes. Airlines sell their services rather than a physical product.( Davis.J, 2011) Airline Expenses All airlines have expenditures that are associated with the industry. Expenses include the cost of airplanes and related equipment, member of staff salaries, hiring of business locations inside airports and insurance for both the passengers and goods that are conveyed. ( Davis.J, 2011) Internal Economic Factors Economic factors that affect airline profits comprises of internal features such as whether or not each flight is filled to size, how much passengers pay for their tickets and what services they are demanding such as complimentary food and  drinks, are provided.( Davis.J, 2011) External Economic Factors Economic events that occur outside the airline industry can affect airline profits. Rising fuel costs due to political or economic events reduce airline profit. Weather conditions, such as snowstorms, can negatively affect air  travel. Events such as airplane crashes can affect peoples willingness to travel by air. All these may cause a temporary loss of profits. ( Davis.J, 2011) Forecasting Airlines have to be able to accurately predict travel demand several years into the future in order to be able to provide enough routes and airplanes to handle the needs of passengers. The economic success of an airline will in part depend on its ability to accurately make such predictions and plan accordingly.( Davis.J, 2011) Social factors Obesity One controversy ambiances the issue of airline companies shrinking their seat restrictions for passengers who are overweight . Some firms have gone far-off to charge a passenger with overweight will cost of two seats because of their mass. This has formed a disturbance, as it raises the question of discernment .The airline businesses face that it basically costs more to fly those more overweight passengers.( Reilly.N.J, 2010) Security Airline industries have suffered an intense shift in the security measures. The increase in safety may, on some level, comfort the mind of the pilots, travellers and their families. As of the few successful obstacles in security that have happened over the past decade,  airlines  will certainly not have the frill of being so sloppy in terms of their security.( Reilly.N.J, 2010) Ethnicity Perception is a foremost factor in how we outlook the domain. It is also one of the eldest studies in psychology. How we observe society, as it transmits to  air  travel, has abundant to do with September 11, 2001. Subsequently then the judgments of the world have full-grown increasingly profound to the background of passengers traveling on planes. It has shaped something of a undesirable perception for particular competitions and beliefs which discourages people to travel with other passengers or airline which directly affects the airline industry.( Reilly.N.J, 2010) Technological factors A recent survey exposed that 34% of online customers plan to use price-comparison sites more in 2009 (NMA, 2009). Online booking services and check-in is becoming increasingly used by the airline industry. Technology is vital for modest advantage and is a main driver of globalisation. A key issue will be technological advancements which can offset upward stresses on prices and costs. Online sales are highly important to BA and they are placing substantial trust in its website occurrence to boost online-sales which will decrease customer traffic through BAs call centres but as there is rise in the fuel price now the Ba has increased the prices of online sales too. E-Tickets are now the standard ticket layout used by BA, building flight ticketing more, elastic and up-front. BA emphasis on refining its customer service online with new technology and has released its major drive-through which deals in Wireless LAN systems and communicate over modern SMS messaging. A considerable long-term risk is the outcome of video-conferencing on the demand for air transport.(OUP, 2007) Environmental Factors Sir Rod Eddington , previous Chief Executive of BA specified The whole aviation manufacturing must admit global warming as a truth, and electrify its efforts to maximum cohort of greenhouse gases. Global Warming also interrupts the request for airline tourism as stove UK summers may attract individuals spending their breaks in the UK. There is also a risk of a contamination tax being forced on airlines from the administration. This environment disturbs the organization directly. It includes of suppliers that deal straight or incidentally, clients and businesses and other native investors. (OUP, 2007)   Industry Analysis Michael Porters (1998) five forces analysis will permit an examination of the amount of power BA has in its immediate environment. Competitive Rivalry This not only discusses the degree of competition, but also the kind of competition occurring. BA runs in two diverse markets which are long-haul and short-haul flights and thus experiences in both oppositions. The race in long-haul marketplace comes from other huge airlines such as Lufthansa, who endeavour on routes, facility, comfort and overall quality that are required. In short-haul, competition is determined by low-prices from airlines comprising Virgin. An growing number of tour operatives (like Thomas Cook and TUI) are also now advertising air only used seats to compact prices.(Mindtools, 2011) Bargaining Power of Suppliers This states the degree to which firms who supply a trade can command prices, agreement terms or transfer times. For BA this condition can be difficult. As acknowledged from the macro study BAs prices depend on variations in oil prices that cannot governor. Deprived of flight fuel, planes do not soar and BA will not be able to make a profit. Although one may claim that BA has a high-quality as to which fuel dealer it uses, the petrol market is similar in terms of prices. In context of suppliers of the actual planes, the condition is different again. Airlines such as Airbus and Boeing with its Dream liner, are worried to safe long-term orders to improve expansion costs. (Mindtools, 2011) Bargaining Power of Customers As there is high grade of buyer control for BA. Consumers having capability to vote with their bases if they are not pleased with the product. Measures such as the check-in and luggage managers strike at Heathrow seriously affected BAs revenue as consumers had to find substitute airlines to use. Buyer power plays crucial role particularly in the low-cost segment, as there has been little diversity between market offers and hence consumers look about for the cheapest price, reinforced by the accessibility of online-sales. These low switching costs reflects that customer loyalty is crucial. Customers are also been provided with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) on their side.(Mindtools, 2011) Threat of new entrants As British Airways being on prevailing place means that it would be hard for a firm to contest with the company on a comprehensive level. Nevertheless as obstacles of entry are flattering non-existent and new entrants are entering in the short-haul commerce and these low-cost operatives, such as virgin having steadily cut away at BA European supremacy. However, due to non-availability of tracks for take-off and landing makes it difficult for new airline to find suitable airports. Many investors have recommended that it is only a problem of time till a low-cost operator efforts a more severe move into long-haul market. Lufthansa has responded early to this conjecture by offering a high-cost high-quality service, comprising private limousine transfers to and from the airport, massages and champagne.(Mindtools, 2011) Threat of substitutes The threat of substitutes states the ability of buyers to switch to a substitute product, hence alternatives to air travel. However it is fair to recommend that there is no actual alternative to long haul air travel in terms of time and cost, but there is alternatives for short-haul destinations vary from coach to car to rail. The real threat of such substitutes mainly depends upon factors such as the efficiency and the price of the rail or coach service.(Mindtools, 2011) Benchmarking Virgin and British Airways British Airways carries a strong brand name and image. It is the biggest airline and flag carrier of the United Kingdom and for sure the extent and scale of British Airways sets it in a competitive gain over its competitors such as Virgin Atlantic Airlines which is the second leading long haul airline in the United Kingdom. Virgin Atlantic is a successful challenger and it also holds a well-known and highly-recognisable brand image and brand reputation. Still, BA is an older and a superior organisation than Virgin Atlantic and it is still leading ahead of Virgin Atlantic in the airline industry. The strong key messages which British Airways delivers are steadiness, quality and reliability. British Airways enjoys a good reputation and is prominent for the very high standards of customer facility and effectiveness.  Virgin Atlantic distinction is based on three strong features: service, value and price, and recently Virgin Atlantics was voted No 1 for having the best online reputation (Creative Match, Undated).  Even it was also nominated as the most child-friendly airline, where,as BA ranking in the 2nd place . British Airways  hosted its first fuel  price  in  May 2004 by adding £2.50  to the value of long haul and short haul fares. The charge sustained to rise as BA and other airlines battled to protect profit margins. BA raised its surcharges  twice in 2004,  three times in 2005  and  once last year for long haul. Airlines such as BA and  Virgin Atlantic  have disputed over the surcharges issue which show the passengers that how much  fuel  affects an airlines costs as well as the industry.  Low-cost airlines  reject to impose surcharges.( Milmo,D, 2007) With the new tiered scheme for calculating charges that imposed on those travelling in the carriers First Class, World Traveller Plus and Club World will be compensating up to  £24 more than people travelling in economy class. This is not an astonishing move as almost all the airlines of the world are growing fuel surcharge due to increased costs of fuel and it is also anticipated that further increase is also possible due to the fact that oil prices are projected to grow further in future.( ebookers, 2011) Financial Indicators Comparing British Airways with virgin, BA has faced a dark phase of recession for a long time which was followed by the rising fuel prices, which led BA to face a loss per share of 38.5 pence, whereas it was 32.6 pence per share in 2009. However, the pre-tax profit of virgin, which was  £68.4 million in last 12months and the revenues grew by 8.4 % to 2.5 billion and profit of 10% shared among 8500 company staff. The Total Capital Expenditure of BA was  £567m, which declined to  £145m in comparison of previous year. Followed over a total of 5.7 m passengers flew with virgin last year. This shows the development in the business of Virgin. There was a loss in operating of BA which was  £231 m whereas, Virgin operating profit fell from  £44.4 m to 25.9 m. This shows that Virgin holds a strong position in the market as compared to BA.( sundaytimes , 2009) Lufthansa and British airways Worldwide events such as the Gulf war, recession now followed by the rise in the fuel prices has put a burden on the airline industry such as British Airways and Lufthansa as a company. These type of events has caused major loss to British Airways as well as Lufthansa and lead a decrease in the amount of seats to be filled in the airline industry. As due to the fact of rise in oil prices, people start avoiding travelling in such situation, as of the fear of rise in prices of travelling fares too .British Airways had an decrease of passengers number by 11% where, as Lufthansa did not have suffered that much like BA , it had a decrease of only 5.4% .( Centreforaviation , 2011). Lufthansa also reported an increase in traffic in 2010 focused around key growth markets with growth of 17.9% year on year to 91.2 m passengers. The carrier added that it shows that Lufthansa holds strong position on long haul routes pay off in 2010 due to the increase in demand and yields for first and business class fares where, as British Airways was still in the dark phase of fare prices. BA was still facing the losses as it holds the strongest position on long haul routes but due the rise in the prices of fuel it has to increase its fares more as compared to Lufthansa , which affected BA directly and encourage passengers to travel through other airlines other than British Airways .( Centreforaviation , 2011). Financial indicators Both British Airways and Lufthansa faced lots of loss due the recession. The total revenue of BA was reduced by 11.1% to  £7994 million whereas, compared to Lufthansa group generated total revenue of 27.3 billion euros with an increase of 22.6%. This shows that British Airways is lacking behind Lufthansa in terms of revenue. BA should try to focus on its fare prices and more and more services should be provided to the passengers in order to remain in the competition.(Cision , 2011) The Total Capital Expenditure of BA was  £567m, which was declined to  £145m whereas, in case of Lufthansa its Total Capital Expenditure for the year was 2.3 billion euros. This reflects that the utilisation of capital in BA is more than its production. BA should use estimated capital in working in order for better production and gaining profits.(Cision , 2011) There is loss in BA operating income of  £231 million whereas, compared with Lufthansa its operating increased by 20.4% to 30.1% billion euros. This shows that there is positive development in the business of Lufthansa as compared to BA. British Airways should adopt such policies which are helpful in developing of its business.(Cision , 2011) Strategies Adopted British Airways raise its fuel price on long haul flights as the high price of oil crushes European consumers stressed with growing rise and wage restrictions .This brought financial development to British airways whereas compared to Virgin Atlantic was competent to reduce the effects of the continuous rising oil prices because of the hedging strategy which it adopted, which means buying the oil when it is cheap. Whereas, Lufthansa adopted the strategy of low cost all costs of flights and services are very carefully observed and condensed to its minimum value, this include such as single fleet type, better-quality flight crew productivity, basic network aiding secondary cities, and the outsourcing of others activities such as maintenance, catering, etc.(BBC , 2011). BA formed its new International Airlines Group (IAG) and it merged with Spains Iberia last year, which would add 10 pounds ($16.12) to the cost of an economy flight and 20 pounds to a first-class ticket. Whereas, To overcome the crunch Virgin Atlantic began with Group sales, which comprise of sales from tour worker Virgin Holidays, which was enlarged by 8.4% to  £2.579bn from  £2.38bn . Whereas, Lufthansa adopted policy of No Frills focused on the inflight service which is virtually non-existent, therefore, the number of flight entourages on board agrees to the minimum regulatory obligation.(BBC , 2011). British Airways executive had a personal talk with its cabin crew members and try to rebuild their trust and made them work together and avoid the strikes as soon as possible. British Airways solved this issue within the time period of a week. Whereas, to avoid the strike Virgin Atlantic agreed to the demands of the pilots and fulfilled them. In case of Lufthansa adopted this policy of low costs which enable the carrier to compromise with very low fares with a very simplified pricing arrangement.( reuters , 2011). British airways, IAG have enlarged the number of seats presented to passengers by 2.7% , which added lot of profit to accounts of British Airways. Revenues rose to 13.4% to à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬3.8bn. Within the period of that fares appear to have risen intensely, with profits from sales of ticket which is increased by more than 15%. (guardian, 2011). British Airways to overcome the losses due the rise in fuel prices, launched its Open skies subsidiary flying direct from Paris to New York ,anticipated that it will cut capacity of the passengers, taking the opportunity to ground some of its old aeroplane which are least fuel efficient. First-class traffic is where BA makes most of its profits. In the phase of oil prices many specialists have said that the record profits of  £883 million in 2007-08 could be wiped out but after launching this subsidiary there is improvement in the economy of British airways.( Jamseon,A, 2008). Recommendations It is essential for British Airways to have a good employee relations as to avoid industrial disputes and interrupted actions. BA need to develop upon its interaction with its passengers across all classes in order to perform better than its competitors. BA should have lower cost competition. BA as an employer should increase its barging power. There should be an opportunity for BA and its competitors to transport aircraft freely between the EU and USA. BA needs to improve its online services by providing extra services. BA should emphasis on the quality of its customer service delivery at all stages, which it has lacked in the past. Conclusion Airline industry in U.K is overwhelmed with several problems. This includes recession, high rise in fuel prices, rising labour cost, disputes between the employees of the industry. British Airways remains cautiously confident about its future visions. However, it is convinced that considerably more work lies ahead if British airways has to succeed. However, there were three most important external factor that has effected BA a lot that are recession, rise in price of fuel and disputes within the industry causing strike . Fuel prices are enduring to grow and this is likely to reduce profits and raise prices for BA. Rising prices and disputes within BA placed it in a disadvantageous position. To overcome these situations BA has adopted several strategies. Such as opening new subsidiaries to gain new position in market. BA also concentrate on business class passenger, offering them the best customer package and maintain good customer relations leading them to gain huge profit in return. BA always watch out for ways to minimize their expenditures and get a value for their money and stockholder money. This leads BA to cost savings, and in conclusion making them to stay on top in an increasingly competitive airline environment.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

South Africa :: essays research papers

The amazing thing as you fly into Hoedspruit from Jo’burg is seeing the walls of the canyon from the air, and how the ‘highveld’ drops horizontally more than 1000 metres into a vast, flat expanse known as the ‘lowveld.’ As we drove from the airport to the Blyde River Canyon Natural Reserve, we saw how the flatness of the ‘bush’ was framed by the huge red cliff walls of the canyon. The Reserve is at the bottom of the canyon, right by its mouth. The house was surrounded by a natural ampitheatre made of the beautiful rock faces of the canyon walls. It really is a majestic and amazing place. Wherever you look, you always have a choice of beautiful mountains to look at. Right in the reserve, stands a conical mountain called Modimule. It is a strangely pointed, stand-alone mountain at the mouth of the canyon, surrounded by all the enormous cliffs. The local people have always believed Modimule is the origin of the world and modern science has proved it has the oldest rocks anywhere in the planet other than Australia. The Blyde River Canyon is the third biggest canyon in the world and it is truly imposing. The natural reserve has all types of animals and happily for us since we always walked to and from the lodge for lunches and dinners, no predators. So the animals seemed more curious about us and it was possible to have close encounters with them. My first sight when we arrived was of beautiful zebras standing by the shade of the walls to avoid the hot sun. On the first morning, as we had breakfast outside, looking at the mountains, a plethora of birds came to say hello and entertained us with their melodies. On the second day, as we had lunch in the lodge, we saw a bunch of baboons moroding and trying to break into a house and steal food. They were so funny, walking one after the other in a straight line - oblivious to us. We also learnt that they can be pretty destructive if they get into a house, as it happened to our neighbours. She described it as being the worse scenario you could ever imagine, as she entered her home and found that the baboons had paid a visit through an opened window and gone around destroying, playing and marking territory all around the house.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Psychiatric Disabilities: The Role of the Rehabilitation Counselor Essa

Psychiatric Disabilities: The Role of the Rehabilitation Counselor A rehabilitation counselor is the central coordinator of setting up services and the client’s goals. They help develop and enhance the client’s skills to secure independence, employment and function in the community (Garske, 2003). In order to be able to rehabilitate the client and set up obtainable goals and a treatment plan, the rehabilitation counselor must first understand ADA, the client’s functional limitations, challenges and obstacles they are facing, along with barriers that may pose a threat to the success of the client. Rehabilitation counselors also set up a support network the client can reach out to and utilize, as well as resources and accommodations that may help the client transition into the workforce, school or home. Challenges/Functional Limitations Success Rate There are many challenges and obstacles that individuals with a psychiatric disability face and as a rehabilitation counselor one must find ways to overcome those obstacles and help guide the client. According to Gregory Garske (2003), â€Å"those with severe mental illness or a psychiatric disability have an extremely low success rate and are the most challenging group to rehabilitate† (p. 95). One of the largest subpopulations of disabilities with the lowest success rate did not go unnoticed and changes were made in 1992 when the amendments of the Rehabilitation Act were passed. The 1992 amendments paved the way for future growth and ensured that those with the most severe disability that limited one or more life functions received more assistance (Garske, 2003). What is disturbing is that even though those with a psychiatric disability are seeking services the success ... ...on job acquisition and retention among people with psychiatric disabilities. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 33(3), 203-207. doi:10.3233/JVR-2010-0528. Schutt, R., & Hursh, N. (2009). Influences on Job Retention Among Homeless Persons with Substance Abuse or Psychiatric Disabilities. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, 36(4), 53-73. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database. Sullivan, A., Nicolellis, D., & et al., (1993). Choose-get-keep: A psychiatric rehabilitation approach to supported education. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal, 17(1), 55. Retrieved from MasterFILE Premier database. Walsh, J., & Walsh, M. (2003). The role of mental health professionals in responding to employment needs. Sourcebook of rehabilitation and mental health practice (pp. 105-115). New York, NY US: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. Retrieved from PsycINFO database.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Glass Castle

ESL 400Koffi Dibi 02/26/2013 Learning how to value life. The glass castle is a memoir of Jeannette Walls (author and narrator). In this memoir, she is relating the neglectful way that her and siblings (Maureen, Brian and Lori) have been raised by their parents Rex and Rose Mary Walls. For this reason, the CPS (Child Protective Service) decided to make an investigation to know rather or not they should remove the custody of the Walls children to their parent. For me good parenting is being able to lead your children toward the real difficulty of life and I hink Rex and Mary Rose are doing it. In my opinion this will be a hard decision to take. The Walls family shouldn’t be separated because, even though they are neglected by their parent They are learning about life values which are living fearlessly and being responsible. Also we have admit the fact that the parents are educating them. So, although the parents are irresponsible they are not bad as some people think. The walls children are constantly exposed to a dangerous situation where they are always capable of Handling it.On their house on North Third Street (in Phoenix), Jeannette was about to get sexually abused during the night by one the guy of their neighborhood because Mary Rose and Rex decided to let the doors and the windows open. Instead of being afraid, they run after the pervert to give him a correction while their parents were sleeping (103). Well common children with a lot of affection wouldn’t react that way. Because of the neglect hatitude of their parent they learned how to defend themselve. Years old Jeannette burned herself when she was cooking hot dogs. She spent weeks at the hopistal. Back home, she started to cook again because she was hungry and no one would do it for her(10- 15). Her carefree mother told her â€Å"You’ve got to get right back in the saddle. You can’t live in fear of something as basic as fire† It is probably an horrible thing to say to your child that just got a burning accident, but it true that you cannot be afraid of fire since it’s used to do a lot of things as it happens to cook.Some other kids would be traumatized for life but Jeannette faced it. As you can see the Walls parent are pushing their kids to get over their fear which is a good thing to do. When the Walls were in Welch, the elders of the children (Brian, Jeannette and Lori) knew that they should take responsibility by contribute money for the household. So they are bringing extra money to help (196). I guess when you have irresponsible parent like they do have, you just have to learn how to be in charge.This kids have the ability to think that â€Å"mom and dad won’t do it so let’s do it†. The parent are teaching the children not to wait for someone to do thing for them. That point shouldn’t be ignored. While they were moving around, Rose Mary and Rex took the time to educate their children, teaching them math ematic, physics, geology and how to read. The Walls children are smart at the point where they could help their mother with her work as a teacher.In Welch, when Lori and Jeannette decided to save money to go to in New York, Jeannette could do others kids of her school homework and asignments in math, science and book report and get paid for it(224). Even though she is neglect, she get enough skill from her parents that made her good at school. The Glass Castle is a memoir of Jeannette Walls relating her childhood story with her dysfunctional parents. She is talking about the neglectful way that her and her siblings (Maureen, Brian and Lori) are raised.Through examples we were able to see that even though Rose Mary and Rex are irresponsible, they aren’t as faulty as some people think. Because they learned to their children how to be fearless, responsible and they also educated them. So I suggest the CPS to let the walls family together because separating them can cause an emot ional trauma which can negatively affect their personality . The society need strong people like them. The CPS should oblige Rose Mary and Rex to accept welfare to the government and make sure that the children live in a decent environment.