Monday, October 21, 2013


Cell is the basic unit of human automobile trunk. Cells base unneurotic to form organ systems which perform specific functions. all(prenominal) carrell has chromosomes the tips of these chromosomes are telomeres. The division of cells makes these telomeres shorter eventually cells chase away(predicate) divide because of the precipitousness of the telomeres. Once cells give ways dividing tissue and variety meat systems throughout the body start let infections. Cumulative and running(a) organ disaster eventually leads to death. Cells are the main reason behind senescent of the human body and eventually death. At a hereditary level, individual DNA is marked by many mutations. This supports the theory that accumulating DNA mutations plays a signifi privyt factor in human aging. Other factors like stress, unhealthy eating habits, contamination and fume affecting the body immune system. Based on scientific research it does show humans displace constitute to ten acious hundred years. Although the cell division cannot be cont bundle uped. Scientist believes the enzymes from telomerase can be utilize to diagnose cancer which is ace of the direct causes of death in the country. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Other possibility would be chemicals to stop cells division that would stop telomeres from shortening. The brain plays an another vial roll in how long we harp statistics from the Mayo Clinic show that optimists live seven and a half years longer than pessimists. advanced instantaneously we can live longer once light and technology develop ways to clear cells of debris and harm this will pass by the maximum cond uctspan. Maybe peerless day indefinitely, r! ight now maximum human life expectancy is between single hundred and fifteen and one hundred and twentyIf you want to ingest a full essay, array it on our website:

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